
宇宙の始まりはビッグバンではない! ビッグ・バンではない宇宙の始まり方 – ノン・ビッグバン理論 ( How the universe started, not the Big Bang – Non Big Bang Theory )


(仮説 ステップ0)サーストンの幾何化予想は、この世の中に存在する全てのものに当てはまると仮定してみる。(Hypothesis STEP 0) Thurston’s conjecture of geometry applies to everything that exists in the world.


I understand that Thurston’s geometry conjecture says that a space that can exist can be classified into eight states.


I broaden this Thurston’s conjecture about space to apply to everything we recognize.


Then, I wondered if Poincaré’s conjecture could be interpreted as “a space that can be said to be almost spherical” (open three-dimensional manifold) as “space”, and the other as “material”.

(仮説 ステップ1)宇宙空間は、もともとインフレーション後とされている大きさがあった (Hypothesis STEP 1) The size of the universe is the same before and after Cosmic inflation.


The size of the universe has not changed since the beginning and the universe was uniformly filled with an open three-dimensional manifold.

(仮説 ステップ2)自発的対称性の破れが起こった(Hypothesis STEP 2) Spontaneous symmetry breaking occurred.

NHKスペシャル 「神の数式 完全版 第2回 ”重さ”はどこから生まれるのか~自発的対称性の破れ 」より


Spontaneous symmetry breaking occured, and open three-dimensional manifold is displaced into the seven states of Thurston’s geometrical prediction.

NHKスペシャル「ポアンカレ予想・100年の格闘 ~数学者はキノコ狩りの夢を見る~」より


We will recognize that a substance was created from nothing.

  • 私たちには、空間は何も存在しないように感じられるが、「開いた空間」で満たされている
    We feel that there is nothing in the space, but the space is filled with open three-dimensional manifolds.
  • 「開いた空間」は、物質の一種です。
    An open three-dimensional manifold is a kind of matter.
  • 「閉じた空間」に比べて、「開いた空間」の体積ははるかに大きく、また、非常に柔軟な可塑性がある。
    I think an open three-dimensional manifold is much larger than a closed three-dimensional manifold and It has a very soft plasticity..

(仮説 ステップ3)閉じた空間(物質)は、開いていく(空間化)(Hypothesis STEP 3) spatialization: Materials(a closed three-dimensional manifold) change to spaces(a open three-dimensional manifold).


I think spatialization occurs due to the action of proton decay and black holes.

(仮説 ステップ4)その結果、1つの「開いた空間」が占める絶対的体積が小さくなる(Hypothesis STEP 4) As a result, the absolute volume occupied by one open three-dimensional manifold becomes smaller.

(仮説 ステップ5)単位空間における光速は変わらない(Hypothesis STEP 5) The speed of light in the unit “open three-dimensional manifold” does not change.


Assuming that “the speed of light is not the absolute distance of the space, but is proportional to the number of units of the open three-dimensional manifold”, from the outside of the universe, if spatialization progresses, the speed of light will gradually slow down.


However, if this is observed from the inside of the universe, we understood that “the universe is expanding”.


And modern people love the variable t (time) very much, so the idea of big bang and Cosmic inflation have created.


Also, the smaller each open three-dimensional manifold, the smaller the size of the substance in open three-dimensional manifold.


However, we cannot observe that the size of the entire universe has not changed, because we can only observe from inside the universe.


We can’t even notice that our size is changing.


I think this is the same as we do not notice the distortion of matter due to gravitational waves.

(仮説 ステップ6)宇宙の終わり(Hypothesis STEP 6) End of the universe


Then, at the end, the universe returns to being filled with only open three-dimensional manifold and it’s just waving.


It returns to the state before the universe appeared.


(These waves are ripples of gravitational waves.)


Thinking in this way, the argument “whether the universe expands or contracts forever?” becomes unnecessary.


The concepts of dark matter and dark energy may be unnecessary.


My knowledge of mathematics and physics, etc. is lacking, so I think so far, so it is a limit.


However, I believe the ideas presented here are more convincing than the Big Bang theory and Cosmic inflation theory.


The universe begins with Cosmic inflation, not the Big Bang, and the true nature of that Cosmic inflation is a spontaneous symmetry breaking.


And cosmic inflation is not a spreading phenomenon, but a phenomenon like crystallization.


I will call this Cosmic Crystallization.


And I think that Cosmic Crystallization is “spontaneous symmetry breaking”.


The summary of this post is that “the universe can be interpreted as expanding inward rather than outward”, but to us inside the universe it feels like it’s expanding outward .


Also, “spontaneous symmetry breaking” may be a phenomenon that occurred in a very limited area in the infinite world filled with “open three-dimensional manifold”.


The phenomenon of “quantum entanglement” seems to be the reason why “spontaneous symmetry breaking” can occur at once in the size of outer universe.


Do you find it interesting?


The new  questions clarified by this idea is…

  • 「自発的対称性の破れ」は、宇宙全体で完全な対称性が成立している時だけに起こることなのか?
    Is “spontaneous symmetry breaking” only possible when perfect symmetry holds in the entire universe?
  • つまり、宇宙の始まりの時以外で、空間が物質化することはあるのか?
    In other words, Will New Cosmic Crystallization occur except at the beginning of the universe?



In addition, in modern times, in order to elucidate the beginning of the universe, we are enlarging the particle accelerator and hitting matter with matter, but these are just operations that accelerate the change that the universe will follow.


In order to trace the course of the universe, it may be necessary to implement an operation that goes backwards the law of entropy.

  • 空間から物質を作る
    Make material from space
  • エネルギーから物質を作る
    Make material from energy

「空間と物質」を「水と結晶」の関係と同じように理解しようとすると、量子もつれ や ホログラム的な宇宙の理解も、次のステージに進みそうな予感がします。

If we try to understand “space and matter” in the same way as the relationship between “water and crystal”, we feel that quantum entanglement and the holographic understanding of the universe will advance to the next stage.



The common sense that the age of the universe is 13.8 billion years may have to be reconsidered.

“Hypothesis Step 0” is added on August 31, 2020
2020年8月31日「仮説 ステップ0」を追記

